NeoGenesis -Chaga Mushroom Extract (60 Caps) - Zencare

NeoGenesis -Chaga Mushroom Extract (60 Caps)

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R 365.00
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R 365.00
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R 390.00
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A wellness elixir that will revolutionize your health and leave you craving more! Prepare to be captivated by the six extraordinary benefits that await you on this remarkable journey:

  1. Immunity Fortress: Boost your body's defenses like never before with Chaga Extract! Packed with immune-boosting properties, this potent elixir bolsters your immune system, shielding you from the daily onslaught of illnesses and infections. Embrace robust health and embrace the world with confidence!

  2. Energy Igniter: Say goodbye to sluggish days and welcome boundless energy with open arms! Chaga Extract acts as a natural energy booster, revitalizing your body and mind to conquer each day with unwavering vigor. No more dragging your feet—welcome the unstoppable force within you!

  3. Age-Defying Elixir: Unlock the secrets to eternal youth with Chaga Extract's powerful antioxidants! These age-defying warriors combat free radicals, protecting your cells from oxidative damage, and leaving you with radiant, youthful skin that turns heads and defies time.

  4. Mindful Clarity: Clear the mental clutter and embrace crystal-clear focus with Chaga Extract. Say hello to enhanced cognitive function and bid farewell to brain fog, paving the way for inspired thoughts and increased productivity.

  5. Calm Amidst the Storm: Life's stressors got nothing on you! Chaga Extract acts as your tranquil sanctuary, helping you stay calm and centered in the face of challenges. Embrace a sense of inner peace that empowers you to thrive even in the midst of chaos.

  6. Digestive Harmony: Nurture your gut and cherish digestive well-being with Chaga Extract. Experience a balanced and happy digestive system, allowing you to savour r life's pleasures without the burden of discomfort.

1000's of South African people are discovering   the wonders of Chaga Mushroom Extract ,join them today.

Whats in the package ?

60 x Neogenesis Chaga extract capsules

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